
Floral Blazer: Dillards, old (similar herehere) / Sweater: H&M, old / JeansTopshop Leigh (so incredibly comfy!) / Lipstick: MAC "Relentlessly Red" (although I've found it to be more pink, which I love!)

Hi friends!

Experimenting here on a few levels - one, taking pictures inside. If you can believe, it's even more grey outside than my curtains. Hasn't stopped raining here all week. I wake up every morning to 100% chance of rain all day long. But it's actually flooding in other parts of the country, so could be worse! (And I hear it's still below freezing back home. Yikes!) Which leads to my second experiment - wearing spring colors to bring warm weather. That's a thing, right? If I wear flowers in a blazer they'll pop up from the ground, yeah? Hmm we'll see. (Also I may have been inspired by Kendi...shh, I'll never tell.) And thirdly, taking pictures by myself. I hate to bug my friends and family and I'm still a bit camera-shy, so I thought I ought to experiment with my camera and my space more. I'm actually considering investing in a tripod, so if anyone has any recommendations for portable, easy to carry tripods please let me know!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend! Thanks for reading!

P.S. - anybody watch Pretty Little Liars? WHAT is going on??


  1. I'd say this experiment turned out really well! I know what you mean--it's constantly gray and windy outside, which has forced me to do indoor photo shoots (even though lighting inside is less desirable). I really like your contrasting nails too.


    Another Beautiful Thing


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