lazy schoolgirl

Sweater: Anthropologie (old, similar here or here) / Blouse: Vince Camuto / Silk trousers: H&M (last year, similar here) / Bag: Vintage Chanel / Loafers: Zara

It is finally so beautiful here! Or, well, my whole time in England has been beautiful, but now the weather's finally catching up. The sun makes me sleepy, so I threw on this easy, lazy outfit. Ease down the high buttoned collar with the untucked shirttails and silk joggers with the comfiest loafers ever. I'm going to have to stop myself from wearing this basically all the time.

But I was also being a lazy schoolgirl because, despite the massive amount of work I'm buried under (panic attacks ensuing...), I couldn't say no to a quick trip into Exeter's best vintage store, The Real McCoy. (Let it be said that I DID say no to actually buying anything...although I'm sure that's an achievement that won't last long.) The place, and its clothes of course, just exude cool. Check it out:

Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day xx

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