
Coat: Zara / Sweater: H&M, old (try here, here) / Skirt: Anthropologie
Shoes: Jon Josef / Purse: Kate Spade

Hi friends! Sorry for the sporadic posting over the past few weeks, but I'm hoping to make a case of quality over quantity. This past weekend I was lucky enough to get away for a few days and visit Chicago. We had a huge breakfast (make sure to hit up Tempo next time you're in the windy city!), took these photos in cute little park and hit the Topshop, Zara, and Bloomingdale's that were conveniently next door (I know how to pick an outfit location, don't I?). I'm so happy it's sweater and tights season, guys. Cold weather just means getting to wear more clothes!! Put on everything you just bought all at once!! (Only 40% joking.)

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