may flowers

Dress: 23 Skidoo (sold out, but love this one or this one)
Jacket: Levi's / Sandals: DV by Dolce Vita (last year, love these or these)

Dare I say it's spring finally?! Maybe even close to, no that's too much. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. But I can safely say that yesterday - my last day of undergraduate classes! - was a pretty perfect day: brunch with friends, cheese and cider and James Joyce, ice cream and English majors, BBQ and horses, and a birthday bash to round it off. Phew! Luckily this darling dress saw me through it all. It's a custom made number from 23 Skidoo, a boutique based in Cleveland. The original pattern was an inverse with the red as the accents and the playful map of Cleveland (yes, how amazing is that??) as the whole of the dress. I was a bit late to the game so luckily my mom and Courtney McCrone, the owner of 23 Skidoo, whipped up my very own version of the Cleveland Skadette dress. I absolutely adore it and couldn't think of a better way to have spent a day wearing it!

Hope you all are doing well! And if you've got finals - Romeo here knows you can do it!!

Photos thanks to Lily!

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