Toronto, ON, Canada


Dress: Joanie Clothing / Heels: Madewell / Bag: vintage Chanel

When I saw this dress on Joanie's website, I thought: that is so me. I have to have it.
When my one best friend saw it, she said, "Oh that's like something Miss Frizzle would wear!"
And my other friend disagreed: "No, no, it's Jess Day on New Girl."
Needless to say, this dress brings about an identity crisis.

Kidding, kidding. But I do like the idea that wearing a certain piece of clothing can bring out different characters in your life. Some days I want to wear leather jackets and dark glasses and feel like someone Alex Turner could sing about; sometimes I'm trying to look more preppy than Spencer Hastings; and some days I have no idea what I'm doing and my outfit reflects that. But a collared, fitted navy dress that has books all over it? Now that really is me. Through and through.

Hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for reading. Xx.

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