farewell fall

Here in Ohio there's not really a clear transition from fall to winter - it's more like, oh, here's some snow in mid-November, and now it's gone the next day. Or in this year's case, it's seventy degrees for two months straight and I'm a bit fed up but then totally unprepared when it snows overnight. My outfit round-up for fall this time (you can see summer's here) definitely reflects this weirdness - they're not really consistent! But I felt good in them, and the pictures look decent, so that's all that matters I guess.

Original post here.

Original post here.

Original post here.

And my top three purchases during fall were...

rag & bone boots / Old Navy Plaid Cape (similar) / Joanie Book Dress

It's starting to snow now as I write this! And I've already had hot chocolate and listened to Christmas music, so I guess it really is winter now. Welcome, little snowflakes!


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