weekly notes, vol. 12

  • Look of the Week: Priscilla was one of the first bloggers I ever followed, and although I don't speak a lick of Spanish and most of her outfits aren't available in the US, I'm still obsessed with her trendy style. I mean, look at this color combo!
  • Instagram of the Week: I am continuously in awe of all of the protesters out there marching for what's right. I recommend following this Instagram account which captures all of the great signs of resistance. I love James Baldwin, so this sign was a favorite of mine.
  • What I've Been Reading: This month's book for book club is We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler. I can't say much without giving it all away, but it's about a dysfunctional family and social psychology. I just got to the big twist and I like well enough so far!
  • What I'm Listening To: For some reason I've been really bad lately about listening to new music. And a lot of my favorite artists have been coming out with new stuff, too, so I have no excuse! Charlene Kaye's song Parakeeter, about what a big-mouthed idiot Trump is, is unfortunately a little too real right now (but oh so good).
Apparently this week's notes are brought to you by the color mustard.


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