Orlando, FL, USA

Pinafore, Please

Pinafore: H&M / Top: Madewell / Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens /
Pins: Harry Potter / Bag: Pour La Victoire (similar, similar) / Sunglasses: Karen Walker

Hello! I'm back, kind of! Didn't really mean to take a break from blogging but a nasty stomach flu had other plans. And then of course I've been playing catch-up since then. I don't think my professors would quite understand if I said I needed more time for my assignments because I needed to update my blog too...

Anywho, here is a sunny outfit! From back when I was in Orlando of course, but we're starting to get this kind of weather up here too, finally! Which is sorely needed, as I have not gotten to wear my Swedish Hasbeens as much as I'd like. Also yes, Harry Potter pins! Are you even surprised? Expect a lot more soon, too!

Happy Tuesday! Hope it's a good one!

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