in the flora

Top: Topshop (on sale!) / Jeans: Topshop / Belt: H&M / Earrings: Madewell
Shoes: Moorea Seal (similar) / Bag: Need Supply Co. (in blue, similar) / Sunglasses: Karen Walker

Happy Monday, friends! It's pretty happy for me because I had a hot fudge sundae for lunch and I'm planning on shopping through dinner...I said it was happy, not healthy, okay.

I can't believe it's taken me this long to show this top on here! I'd had my eye on it for ages and of course snagged it up literally like two days before it went on sale. Whatever, it's a great top and goes perfectly with my new pink mules. I'm definitely bringing both of these pieces with me on vacation - in two weeks, I'll be in London with Sarah!! Whoo! Until then, I'll be shopping for all the nonexistent space in my suitcase.

Thanks for reading! Hope your Monday brings you ice cream!!

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