my style role models

I've been following fashion blogs for a good long while now and I'm always excited when I find a new one that really jives with my own style. More excitingly, though, is when I find a blogger who looks like me - not in the so-pale-I'm-translucent or wears glasses kind of way, but in the body shape kind of way. Oh yes, today I'm going through my list of my favorite bloggers who aren't stick thin supermodels. They're a group of ladies who, in my humble opinion, look real and rock outfits that look real good. 

I'm so happy that fashion blogging is open for all, and there are a ton of body positive blogs out there spreading important messages and good vibes. Of course, a blogger in no way has to discuss weight and body image on her blog if she doesn't want to - she just has to put on those clothes and look awesome. In particular, I've rounded up a selection of gorgeous ladies who really inspire my everyday outfit choices and to whom I wanna say a big THANK YOU!

How adorable is Juliette? I mean, what else would you expect from a French gal with a perfect name? I love how Juliette dabbles in retro looks. She has such pretty hair and a great smile and it gives me confidence because I have a similarly round face. 

Courtney - Color Me Courtney

Whoo, I absolutely love Courtney! True to her blog name, she dons the brightest and boldest outfits and honestly it's so refreshing. She isn't afraid to try daring looks and she always does it with the most adorable smile. (I guess I'm drawn to people's smiles because lol I don't do it very often on here!) Courtney has some great words about body positivity on her blog, and I especially love this quote: "That’s kind of the whole point of blogging right? Real people, making real trends work for real, non airbrushed bodies so they can share their success (and failures) with other real people." You said it, girl! Now, uh, let me borrow everything in your closet?

Pauline also has French girl style down. She's slightly mysterious but with a sweet face and outfits that range from sophisticated high-class to playful and fun. I would happily step into her  (gorgeous) shoes - pale skin, dark hair, now I just have to move to France...

Kristabel is a gorgeous gal with an hourglass figure not unlike my own. She looks amazing in everything she wears, especially that jumpsuit, which totally helped ease my worries about trying that trend! She always keeps it real on her blog, from travel tips to discussions on race. She has a great post here on becoming more confident!

Nicole! I could go on and on about Nicole. So naturally beautiful and her words about body positivity are even more so. She isn't afraid to try any trend and still manages to stay true to herself. She is sweet and encouraging and refreshingly honest. You can read all the brilliant and inspiring things she has to say about body image here!

Of all these amazing ladies on this list, I think I'll dare to say that Noelle is most similar to me. We love a red lip, glasses, and a good ole quirky print. (I won't go quite so far to say I'm as pretty as her). Her curves look so cute in her retro-inspired looks and in swimwear, too. I always get excited when Noelle posts a new outfit, as it's inspo for my everyday wear too!

I hope you find these ladies as inspiring as I do. They've certainly helped me to embrace my body and to relieve some anxiety when it comes to dressing it.

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