116 Ebury St, Belgravia, London SW1W 9QQ, UK

the big pink post

Top: Madewell (sold out, similar) / Jeans: Topshop (on sale!) / 
Flats: Charlotte OlympiaEarrings: Madewell / Bag: Ted Baker

It's here! The most extra bloggery thing I've ever done! Which was dragging my friend Sarah to the middle of Belgravia, London, just to snap some (okay, many) photos in front of this Insta-worthy pink bakery. Yes, you've probably already seen more beautifully styled photos of Peggy Porschen's bakery (like on Noelle's blog and Olivia's blog). But I was not going to miss the chance to trek here myself when I had my best blogger buddy by my side! 

We got there relatively early on a Friday morning, so it was nice and quiet. I know nothing about the Belgravia neighborhood, but it seemed nice! There were a lot of flower stands and lovely looking bookstores and clothing stores (so tempting). Peggy Porschen's Cakes is relatively small but absolutely impossible to miss. I mean, obviously. We ordered some snacks (vanilla cake for me and a coffee for Sarah - check out her gluten free guide to learn more about their offerings!) and sat outside, trying not to act like we were so obviously there to take pictures. We weren't alone in that regard as more tourists stopped by throughout the morning (including some of the furry four-legged variety!). 

So, worth it? For the pictures alone, oh yeah. The cake I had was not to my liking, but that's because I don't find cake in England generally yummy - too dense for me. But their brownies looked good and I took some cookies home for my parents, which were a hit. Either way, your taste for anything pink will certainly be satiated!

Thanks for stopping by!
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Big big thank you to Sarah for the photos!!


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